Wow, I can't believe it's been over 6 months since the last time I posted a blog! As I have always known, and rarely admit, I am a great starter...
So, what's been going on? Well, the house is coming together! Over New Year's weekend we took the wallpaper out of the kitchen and painted the walls blue. Yes, almost the same color blue as thr outside of our house. We have a very blue house, with a blue door, a blue kitchen, and blue cars. Maybe we like blue for everything because the sky around here is always cloudy...
The weather was fabulous in February, so Clint and I started on our yard work items! We pulled out the Maple Tree that was planted at the corner of our driveway, out of control, and blocking the view of our house. I now have a nice flower garden there that is starting to fill in nicely, along with the dozens of other plants and bulbs that I planted in out flower bed between the street & our retaining wall.
I found my raised bed! We have a raised veggie garden bed outside that was completely (COMPLETELY) overgrown with dandelions, blackberry, and other randoms. While Clint was in Baltimore, I found and completely cleared it out! I have planted 2 hops for Clint, and the veggie starts & seeds should go in this coming weekend!
I have reorganized my craft room to make room for my new sewing machine! I randomly bumped into Mom at the fabric stor a few weeks ago and followed her next door to the sewing maching store where they had a great used machine. I thought this would be pretty great to have, so as I went to purchase it the next day, I thought I'd call Mom just to make sure it was a good buy. Dad said he'd save me the trip, as he had just returned home with it for me! Happy early birthday, Shannon!
Here are some cards that I've made recently.
KITTENS! KITTENS KITTENS KITTENS! At the end of January, we brought home Hops and Barley, our rascally, obnoxiously affectionate purr boxes of love! They are the sweetest kittens, and they have certainly changed the mood in our house. They are siblings, and they snuggle together in a way that just about akes you cry it's so cute. They have terrorized the house a little, but we love them, so we've been dealing with it. They are wonderful! They are just over 6 months old, and weigh 7 lbs!

Clint and I are embarking on our next weight loss adventure. It seems as though it's always one thing or another, and yesterday we began yet again. We are adhering to the Dr. Atkins eating philosophy of lowering our carbohydrate intake to encourace our body's to turn to our ouw fat sources for fuel. Day 2, and I'm starving! I have become so addicted to the SAD (Standard American Diet) of pasta, bread, potatoes, and PIZZA that this change is really tough. I don't feel hungry as in, hunger pangs, but I'm starving and craving the sensation of eating and of feeling full. I love that feeling. That's why I have punds to lose! My goal is to lose 62 lbs. Wish me luck!
Work work work. Since about Thanksgiving, I have not had a chance to breath. Most companies right now are struggling to keep pace, whereas we are almost to the point where we need to turn away prospective clients. We have so much work that both my boss and I are in a constant state of anxiety and hurry. It's great for business, but until we hire a new intern, we'll continue to sink, little by little until we realize that we're under water!
Enough on that for now. More later!
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