Day 5
Today is my birthday! I am now, officially, a quarter or a century! The last major birthday I had was four years ago, at 21. Now I will have to wait five more years until the next significant birthday, and then every decade thereafter. The good times are over, and now I just wait...
Yeah right! The good times are just beginning. "Why?" you ask; because today is going to be AWESOME! We make special scrambled eggs this morning, with bacon, onions, bell peppers; the works! They are delicious and nutritious; good thing, too, as we have a full day planned!
In the morning we accomlany Grandma to the house in town to run a few errands, take out the garbage, etc. When we return, we realize that it's time for Shannon Adams (formerly Shannon Smith) to come over with Chloe, her yellow lab whi is BFFs with Mandy, Grandma's golden retriever. Shannon joins us as we are finishing up lunch and together, with her sis-month-old son Jonathan, we call for a dip. Jonathan loves the water, and Clint and I, well, let's just say that being my birthday, he had to be nice. He didn't seem to like this arrangement as much as I did.
We end our visit with Shannon because Grandma has physical therapy this afternoon. She drops us off in Portsmouth, which is a cute harborside town with lots of little boutique shops and...Annebelle's Ice Cream Parlor! Guess what was our first stop! Oh, I love ice cream! And what's better than ice cream on a hot day? Ice ream on a hot day that is your birthday!
Clint and I become unsticky and walk the streets, poking our noses into the little shops that we pass. We don't buy anything, but it's nice to poke around. When it's time for Grandma to come pick us up, we run out to the corner, hop in the car, and make our way home.
Now this is where the day get really cool. When we get home, we start making dinner. Why is this so exciting? Because dinner tonight is 2 lbs. of mussels, and LOBSTERS! Oh my gosh, I live for lobster! Yum yum yum! Grandma makes an awesome coleslaw, boils the mussels, and I start the lobster water.
Lobsters need to be cooked alive, which just kills Grandma, so she can't do it. When it's time for the lobsters to go in, she leaves the kitchen, and I dunk them in head first (to quicken the death). Twenty minutes later, dinner is served! Oh man, I can't even write about this part because it will make my mouth start to water uncontrollably. The gist is that lobsters are awesome, especially fresh maine lobsters! YUM!
The idea for dessert was cheesecake, but it didn't make it into the oven in time to be done tonight, so instead we have brownies, which I also LOVE! Full, fat, and happy, I start to doze on the couch and decide that I've had enough fun for the day, and head off to bed.
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